I place down some items. Needed another greenhouse, so i placed it down. My polearms leveled up. Some of the new people needed x building so i placed it down.

I guess i was under the impression that the building aspect would be… more present? It really feels more like a side note. The main character spends alot of time being *extremely* edgy. Now keeping in mind he has been thrust into a world where pretty much everything he knows and loves is gone and he has gaming powers that quickly transcend into him being superhuman… he still has alot of rage that frankly while understandable is written extremely poorly and unsympathetically.

I’m sorry, but the character is supposedly 50 years old but has the depth of your average teenager and acts like one. He doesn’t feel fifty to me, he feels like he’s 20’s to 30’s but occasionally will just flip to teenager mode. Again, this is all somewhat understandable but it doesn’t seem to have rhyme or reason and just doesn’t read as true to me. This along with the base building and lit rpg being rather light had me check out early.

For the record, i don’t mind the main character and others crying. Its healthy, and completely fine to do. I just don’t like that it seems to jump from how these people would actually feel to… not.