Okay, hold onto your pants and let go of any preconceived notions, because Ms Tyler is taking us on a ride. A ride that consists of some major forbidden romance. Cheating (if that’s not your jam, I understand). Marriage and relationship issues. Love triangle. And falling for the right person at the wrong time. This is forbidden romance and boy does it get messy, steamy and heated. I wasn’t exactly prepared since I didn’t read the blurb, but I dove in with complete QB Tyler trust and now I’m in the thick of it.

Charlotte and Matthew are in marriage counseling to try to fix a marriage that is beyond fixable. But Matthew doesn’t see it that way. He’s basically going through the motions with one hand on his phone, distracted with work, but he’s convinced they are married and they are going to stay together. When one person wants to try to repair it and one person isn’t willing to meet even half way, it isn’t going to work. This is where Ms Tyler brought some real life flavor in and it was realistic. I could feel for Charlotte and the fact that she was honestly trying. Buuuutttt….as we see right at the beginning, their marriage counselor, Will plays a much bigger part in their story than I first imagined. Then, BAM….it’s the Charley and Will show! Lies, deception, and falling in love.

I will be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of cheating, especially in real life, but this is fiction and gimme the drama mama. IF there is a reason for the cheating and the story behind it is legit, I’m game to be entertained. And boy did Q.B Tyler entertain me and give me lots of cheating. There were no ifs ands or buts about it. It was cheating, but I could feel the connection between Will and Charley and I only wanted to kick Matthew to the curb. He did not deserve Charlotte. But at the same time, I was getting a bit frustrated with Charley as a character. She was whiney and annoying at times and honestly Will seemed overly possessive when he had no right to be. How could these two work when they started all wrong?

I’m in the thick of this story (as their story doesn’t end with this book) and I gotta say, I’m curious where the next book is gonna take us after where we left off in the first book of this duet. It’s messy, it’s dang steamy and there’s a lot of baggage to go through, but I’m here for more. Lacy Laurel as the narrator was amazing as Charlotte and telling us HER story. The way her voice brought in the emotions of a woman that had known only one sort of love but knew she deserved more was spot on. She brought her A-game and I can’t wait to hear more from her. But please give us more of Alexander Neal as Will. I need more of him and all their flawed, messed up love story from both POVs!