This was probably the best audio experience I’ve ever had. Piers is British so that kind of made it all kinds of awesome for an American listener.  There was no hesitation during certain scenes and his voice flowed smoothly. Anytime Mew had stuttering, cut off thoughts, it felt right. You could hear the different characters with different inflections of his voice but it wasn’t like he changed his voice. He just spoke softer, or more quickly, or there was a lilt for another character. Hands down, I loved listening to him and plan on snagging anything else he narrates.You will never, ever, look at donuts in the same way again. I’m pretty sure I blushed the first time I saw donuts at the bakery.

I loved Mew (Bartholomew). He was so awkward, adorable and curious that I couldn’t help but relate to him a bit. I have that stuttering, social anxiety that he had. And I love my cats. Kyle also, so supportive of Mew. Even if he wanted something more you could tell that he was willing to go slow for Mew because he loved him.

Adam *fans self* oh boy. Temptation on legs would be an apt descriptor for him. It was interesting to see him lightly push at Mew’s boundaries but never go over the line. He stopped. There was teasing from Adam and Kyle but it was never too much. Sometimes I have a problem with the teasing and pushing boundaries but this didn’t make me uncomfortable as I read it. It felt like a playful push and pull kind of relationship.

This was definitely explicit. But it was a good explicit? It wasn’t overly done where you have the characters cursing every other word or weird phrases like cum gutters. This was well written sex between two/three agreeable parties. Plush I’m pretty sure I was red as a tomato while listening to this at work, but I couldn’t stop myself from listening. I also gave my coworkers a play by play and they were dying. So that made it so much fun.