Tom Abrahams continues to amaze. With every book I read of his, the more I’m impressed with his talent and ability to be ingenious. The Alt apocalypse series is the perfect example. In this series, each a standalone more less, he takes a cast of characters, same names, and places them in different situations and apocalypse scenarios. It’s remarkable. One will recognize the names from Ash, the first in the series. This is about mass fires that destroy Southern California and beyond. It’s truly a most horrifying prospect. But as we continually see, something not out of the possibility.

And another Abrahams does with regularity and brilliantly is subtly making fun of himself and his other works through the current story. In this one he notes one character’s obsession with a character called Marcus Battle! It’s the best. There is nothing more endearing than subtly poking fun at oneself. In a world of self obsession and perpetually pompous wokeness, self deprecation is a lost art. Thank you TOM for your humor and ability to not take yourself seriously!

Naturally, having Kevin Pierce narrate elevates any author’s work. And the combination of Tom Abrahams and Kevin Pierce is one of the very best in any genre. Thank you!!! The reader appreciates. It makes for the best in entertainment and immersion.