Original Audiobook Listen November 2019:

With the holidays, I actually reviewed book 4(From These Ashes) first but I did listen to the series in order. Snow still completely blows me away, Christopher is an awesome blending of hard ass and soft hugs. I guess that’s what makes Snow and Christopher work so well, they compliment each other, they keep the other in check(or they try their hardest to do so?).

As for the narration, well like I said in book 4, I’ve never listened to a book with dual narrators before but they worked perfectly. When I first started listening I thought Snow came across as jumpier, a little out of sync but the more I listened the more I realized that it was the perfect way to bring Snow’s upbeat and snarky character to life. Could other narrators pull it off? Sure, but after hearing Joel Leslie and Philip Alces, I can’t imagine anyone else bringing Haven Hart alive.

Original ebook Review December 2017:

When Snow comes upon a little boy in trouble and comes to his aid, he has no plans for it to lead to a new beginning he was just doing what he felt was right. Christopher may be the head of a family that has some questionable tactics but he is an honorable man so when his nephew is saved by a young man in an alley, he offers the man a job. Will either man let the future take root and grow or will their secrets get in the way?

Snow Falling is a masterpiece! That is the best way to explain what I read, nothing more, nothing less. It is a true masterpiece, a gem to be savored. When you factor in that this is a debut novel by the author, well frankly its hard to believe because its just so great. Now, I would be lying if I said I am unfamiliar with the author because I consider her a friend and kindred spirit and I have been cheering her on for several years. I knew her book would be good but even I was overwhelmed at how stunning and heartwarming Snow Falling is.

The characters, from Snow and Christopher to Roy and Bill to Lisa and Maggie, they all bring something to the story and not a single one is “window dressing” or “filler”, they all have a part to play in the journey that is found within the covers of Snow Falling. I mention that because that is a rare thing, in my experience there is usually at least one character that could have been removed from the pages and the reader would not miss them but not here. Every character is intriguing in their own way and makes the story better.

As you know, I don’t do spoilers so all I’ll say in regards to the plot is WOW because I was hooked and had everyday life not got in the way I would have easily read this in one sitting. Talk about an easy read, and don’t think I mean “easy” as in simple and short. No, I mean “easy” as in it grabs you from the first page and before you know it half the book is gone and then suddenly you find yourself at the epilogue. I started this review by saying Snow Falling is a masterpiece and I’ll end with saying it has heart, no better way to say it: Snow Falling will break your heart, but it will also warm your heart.