🡺🡺Rating Mature: Mild violence, strong language, erotic themes (F2B), Harem-ish🡸🡸

Harmon Cooper creates a future New York City that’s believable, with the possible exception of flying cars, and full of tech pushed by corporations. While there’s a bit of social satire it’s delivery is done so as to make it hard not to giggle out loud. The AR / full dive design is well thought out and sounds generally interesting to play.

Sound Booth Theater cast production really makes this book shine. The entire book is very music driven and the MCs sing frequently. Many of the songs are silly/cute and the delivery by Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott is magical. The composer work shows up in every chapter with background and SFX as well as full accompaniment for the musical numbers.

Without question the best way to enjoy this Harmon Cooper novel is with the audiobook.