I absolutely loved this audio book. I listened to about 1/4 of it and then I had to go 3-4 days without being able to listen to any audiobooks and during that time this story was always in the back of my mind. I couldn’t wait to finish it. I just finished it tonight and it’s going to be one of those books that stick with me for a while.

The narrator does an awesome job. I never got tired of his voice and didn’t hear any inconsistencies with his accents or character voices.

Patrick Chiles (alright, he’s no Andy Weir or Dennis E. Taylor) obviously knows his stuff when it comes to physics and space travel. He delves into religion, ethics, what it means to be sentient, and a host of other sci-fi tropes. Yet, all of these things come up naturally in the story and doesn’t seem forced. I’ve googled Chiles and he’s wrote a couple other books that are not on audible… THIS MUST CHANGE! I’m going to be keeping and eye out, and plan to buy any future releases the week they come out.

I must put a disclaimer here. If you like your science fiction more tongue in cheek (like space operas or with faster than light travel or waring alien races) this will not be for you. It’s hard science fiction, and Patrick Chiles doesn’t hold your hand. Meaning, if you’re unfamiliar with scientific concepts and real space jargon you may get confused and hate this book. However, if you’re a straight up nerd like me then you’ve come to the right place.