Another winning Travis Baldtree narrated audiobook. He totally brings the characters alive with emotion (or in Kadka’s case, lack of emotion but full of jokes) and their unique voices.

A non magical main character uses his knowledge of the world to solve a crime. I’m not crazy about that premise but it worked. I’m just kind of over the newbie showing up professionals.

In this case, the law enforcer, a Blue Cap, if you will (or was it Blue Hat?) is his ex girlfriend. I know. We saw that coming, too. Police being associated with Blue also seemed unimaginative. I wanted new, different, unique.

He acquires a partner. You guessed it. He wanted to work alone.

I overall enjoyed the world building. It was not an info dump.

The third person narrative was a breath of fresh air. Too many books in the genre is first person.

Our main character is level headed and NOT snarky!! Double kudos with a triple shot of espresso.

It was short and sweet. The climax was a bit lengthier than desired, but mostly because it wasn’t action packed. It flowed with the writing style of the book.

I actually adored this book enough to pick up the next in the series. Which is EXTREMELY rare.

Strongly recommended for urban fantasy lovers who want a non epic adventure with promising characters who could be your best book buddies!