This book is an epic saga. This book is “Awesome” “Amazing” “Spectacular. I don’t use these words lightly. I’m hard to please when it comes to sci fi books/movies. The annoying thing about many AI/robot stories is that the character is set in an isolated world. There’s very little interaction with the environment the robot is in. There’s too much introspection and there’s almost always very little multi-relationships with other humans or robots. I want to read, listen or see robots/androids doing amazing things, not sitting around talking about doing amazing things. This book has it all!! I’f you’ve seen the movie Ex Machina, which I thought was a piece of crap. If you saw the Netflix movie “I Am Mother” BORING!!!!! This book is not those in any way… It has balance, “Oh My God” what a concept!!. It has the good, the bad and the ugly. It has robot human relationships, it has robot to robot relations and here it is “The Robot Interacts With its Environment. It’s a bleeping “MIRACLE” A Writer That Get’s IT. Other writers can learn a story telling lesson from him.