This story is so insipid that it makes me angry. It’s as if the author deliberately set out to remove everything that makes you care about characters or plot resolution. here’s a list of the problems:

1) the main characters are essentially Mary Sues. Everything comes easy to them and they continually win effusive praise from all the supporting characters.

2) no real conflict. Yes, there is the enemy guild, but our heroes effortlessly defeat/humiliate them at every encounter, even though the enemy characters have vastly higher levels.

3) conversational interplay among characters is very unrealistic

4) no real plot. The “conflict” between our group and the enemy guild occupies only a small amount of their time and is never represented as an important challenge. Even the leveling up is portrayed as meaningless, because our main characters acquire god-level skill the moment they acquire a skill at all.

5) failed humor. Most attempts at being funny aren’t funny at all. One guy teases another “if you don’t stop bothering me, I’ll tell the waitress about the rash you had last year!” Ha, ha, ha, yes, hilarious.