I loved the first two novels. This third novel is extremely boring. It’s filled with entirely too much back story. The constant going back and forth is annoying and most of the time, pointless. It’s too much childish bickering between some of the characters, and a lot of the dialog starts to become tedious. This novel often feels “preachy and political” and quite frankly those parts were nothing but page fillers or the author’s attempt to let you know his political stance. Seriously dude. NO ONE CARES Lol. We just want a good story!!! I’m really surprised this novel got such high reviews. I already have book 4 so I’m hoping it’s better than book 3. If not, I’ll be asking for a refund. C.A. Rudolph seems to be a good writer (for the most part) so I’m hoping book 3 was just a one off.