I really love well written HR, but this is not one of them. I am writing this at the 5hr/half way marke and it is so boring I have moved out of ear shot and when I came back …I don’t feel like I missed anything.

It is also at this point when they have a discussion about sex. Why I don’t know, but there it is. I have been reading some very good post WW1 mysteries that have a romantic couple, but they don’t focus on sex, as the stories are filled with action and interesting plot lines. I have come to realize ( a little too late) that authors that keep using sex as a substitute for good writing are lazy. they also don’t think much of their readers to pawn off a poorly written book, but just throw in some sex and the “stupid reader” will lap it up. I feel that is what this book represents, and I don’t like it.

This is my first book by this author and it will be my last. I may have grown out of this formula, that keeps readers “interested” with little love scenes. I am not sure if it gets better, but I am not willing to spend anymore time waiting for a plot worth reading to begin.