There is satire and then there is what this book did. Overkill is nicely putting it. It’s mainly about religion but then jabs at antisocial gamers, work culture and just life in general. You’re kinda beaten over the head with it. Random Bible study moments followed by why people don’t believe in them, ending in why the MC will be better as a prophet. The humor tries but is lackluster mostly, and there is a gratuitous amount of unnecessary violence yet they shy around swearing. I can only hope the story evens out in the next book. The status updates are much appreciated though, generally only happening at the end of a chapter and skipable. I hope there is a better usage of the whole being drunk thing as well as crafting. There is some potential but unused. The overall premise of who/what the gods are and how the world works is interesting. Everything just needs a bit of work
Review from War Aeternus: The Beginning →