I feel like a kid who’s getting away with something. I was asked if I wanted to read an advanced copy of this series- the request went a bit like this…
Here’s this book full of all your favorite things
aliens, wampehs, things blowing up, nobody falling in love and having sex, and coffee.
Do you want to read it early before anyone?
It was everything promised and more. Charlie’s series is probably my new favorite. If for no other reason then the scene when Charlie introduces Leila to the wampeh.
This was a great continuation of the story, it furthered the story while having it’s own feel with the ending leaving you looking forward to more. And it was so funny! Just looking back over my highlights cracks me up. There were so many great parts, it’s hard to share them without spoiling some important part to the story.
Last year i read all of Charlie’s series, I’m starting over now listening to the audio versions. I’m enjoying them just as much and I’ve come to love the narrator as well. He seems like he’s really understanding Charlie and his Ara voice this time is more what i had in my own head when i read them