This story, a different take on the world of vampires (known as V-positives), revolves around Jonathan (V-pos) and his snarky assistant, Mark. This is a slow burn romance, that under normal circumstances, is not my thing. But JCP crafted an interesting story, enhancing it with the voice a super talented narrator.
Joel Leslie is superb as the sarcastic Mark and the somewhat sheltered, sweet Jonathon. The secondary characters are very distinct – I had no trouble following the story without the book.
It is no secret that I admire Joel Leslie’s talent – he is a great performer, no matter the material he works with; but when he has great material, as with Hemovore, he is exceptional!
I received a copy of this audio book in exchange for an honest review.** but would have gladly gotten it based on the narrator, author and reviews (in that order) 🙂