A child, from the perspective of human biological age, commits contemporary immoral, for protagonist whimsical, actions so as to not get ostracized in his community-to-be. Geopolitical conflict is brewing in the background. God’s are engaged in fate measuring contest.
Utterly farcical story with contemporary horrendous actions. Main theme could be morality of innocence. Do ethically evil actions committed with no evil intent are still evil? Hopefully, illegal and the action doer is still responsible for the consequences in front of the law, but morally innocent or sinful?
From the beginning, the second book, the going-ons in the pantheon of gods is not to my taste. Interesting philosophizing on chaos being the origin of all, and even as repetition is mother of knowledge, repeating the same conclusion in similar set of circumstances is… repetitive, also, cool how god’s association with certain phenomena are reflected in the beings character. Love the character consistency as in excessive adultery of demons, however the feeling this is the authors go to means for gap-filler between the action arcs is almost a certainty now.
Conclusion: 3/5. Listened on Audible, Narrated by: Jeff Hays. Going immediately from book 2 to book 3, book 3 Boxy-Fizzlesprocket relationship felt as polar opposite to book 2, but then you are reminded – MC is a monster in this world and circumstances have changed. Book 3 still is a masterpiece of farce, and across the books lack of serious grounding is consistent, however, in ELLC:Vortena expected growth not just in RPG statistics, also in Boxy’s character.