Rosalie and Fox used to be best friends when they were younger, something happened now Fox hates her. Rosie is badly bullied by the cool girls at the school aka Fox’s girlfriend. One day something changes and Fox actually prevents some bullying. Rosie thinks this might be an opening to discuss their history but that is not the case. Fox, Ethan, Cole & Enzo use a situation at a party to blackmail Rosie. Rosie must agree to all of the boys demands or Fox will send a compromising video to the world. This is a RH and there are some HAWT sexual scenes. Rosie gets to know each other boys through their blackmail scheme and begins to care for them. She even gets Fox to open up about what happened to make him hate her. Everything is going great and Rosie is ready to commit to guys for real, when something happens to change everything. This books does end on a cliff hanger. Rosie goes from a “weak” nerd into a strong female that actually stands up for herself in this book. I can’t wait for book 2. Sarah is amazing, as always. I will pretty much read anything narrated by Sarah. I believe this is my first book by KG Reuss. I did love the darker elements of this book and how strong the h turned out to be. The boys were freakin’ hot too. #AudioObsessionReviewer