The Handyman:The Complete Season II is a very bizarre and twisted novel featuring Victor, a killer, an author, and a sex addict. I spent the majority of the book fairly lost because I hadn’t read the first book in the series, but I felt like I had caught up by the end. Zandri is an excellent writer, and he has an amazing imagination and the ability to express it. If you take out all the gratuitous sex – it is well written sex but completely over the top – this is basically a story about a man emotionally and mentally spiraling out of control. Watching that ride is pretty fascinating.

Connor Brown did his usual terrific job with the narration. I requested this audiobook because I always enjoy his productions, and this book is no different. His delivery is smooth and flawless, and his deep, sexy voice added to the erotica tones of the book.

I received a copy of this audiobook at my request in exchange for this honest review.