Ellis Bishop was working undercover when he saw his best friend murdered by a dangerous crime boss. Ellis managed to escape with pictures showing the murderer in the act. What he didn’t know was that his boss was on the mob boss’s payroll. Now he’s on the run, his proof is gone and he’s accused of murder. However, Ellis has a plan. He’ll prove that Vitaly Rodin executed Carter and he’ll use Vitaly’s stepdaughter to accomplish his revenge. I was hooked. I couldn’t believe Ellis could accomplish his plan. He tracks down Arianna Stavish and kidnaps her. He believes that she’s as guilty as her stepfather. I could tell immediately that he was mistaken. She’s a hardworking school teacher who has struggled with great personal loss. She’s honorable and keeps her distance from Vitaly. I liked her strength and courage. She kept her cool and stands up to Ellis. Thank goodness Ellis and Arianna come to an understanding and agree to work together. Katie Reus finished The Endgame Trilogy with this wonderful romantic suspense. I liked Ellis and Arianna. They both have suffered unbearable pain. I liked how they faced their problems. I enjoyed seeing them become a couple. Their attraction is amazing. Bishop’s Endgame is a winner. This story pulled me in. The audio book added to my enjoyment. Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa made the story come alive.