The Narrated Alexander & Maeve did such a outstanding job bring this story to life in every way possible, they had me wanting to listen to more of the book to find out what was to happen next, i loved how they brought the characters to life and made you feel like you where a part of the book and I highly reccomend every one to give this a listen and to read it

We start with the Irish Mob, based in Boston & run by Tiernen Kelly, his younger Brother & Cousin rule beneath him, Shay and Colin. They are gifted a Cartel Princess, Rosa, all in the name of a peace deal 10 years in the making. Tiernen & Rosa marry, have children, mix their families blood & end the Mafia Wars, that’s what the old heads planned out. All of the other Family’s are all doing the same, his own little sister, Lily, is going to Las Vegas & the Bratva and it’s killing him!😢

The initial fear from Rosa & her insecurities really hit home how sheltered she was. She’d been protected from everyone but treated badly by her father. That harm wasn’t discussed at all, a missed opportunity?? The way she started to blossom for her husband, under his tutelage, was beautifully & seductively written.🔥 It makes her gradual withdrawal into herself, because of his cruel words, gut wrenching. Her soft heart just wasn’t meant for such vile spite!😢 She’s desperately craving the love and affection she was initially shown by her husband but it was a lie.💔 Tiernen may come to regret throwing Rosa away the way he did. He underestimated her! Shay & Colin follow his orders regarding her, against their better judgement.💘🔥 Soon his decisions, regarding the four of them, will have the power to ruin them all!😳💥

I enjoyed this author’s writing. It had pace with lots emotion still shining through it. The sexual tension & the steamy scenes were written really well & definitely captured my imagination.😉 However, unfortunately I just wasn’t convinced by the turnaround in this couple.😕 The stance Rosa took seemed too brave & brazen but for Tiernen to swallow his pride & prejudice to acquiesce, as hot & romantic as it was, it didn’t ring true for these characters for me. With all of that said & done, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. It’s was delicious escapism and I’ve preordered the entire series!🌟💘💥