I just love my RH books, and this one was so good, okay it starts with all the mafia heads of the families, and each member has pretty much sold their daughters to bring peace. we have Tiernan the man that hates his wife and doesn’t want to give her a baby, then there’s Shay the playboy, who stops his playboy because he fell in love with his brother’s wife, then we have Colin the broody cousin that has never really loved anyone since he lost his family. and Rosa our lovable, kindhearted, and forgiven girl. that ends up Taming all 3 men and showing them what love is. yes, they have their up and downs. and a lot of work to do to get there happily ever after. but they do get there. to be honest I can’t wait to read the next book. I’m so curious to see what the other daughters have to go through to get their happy ending. the narrators did such a good job too.