Binding Rose is the first book in the Mafia Wars series. This book is told from multiple points of view. Some of the characters are Tiernan, Iris, Alexi, Rosa, Shay, and Colin.

The cartel has come to an agreement that the ladies must be married to whoever draws their name at a meeting to keep alliances.

Rosa is set to marry Tiernan, who is from the opposite family and is told that they are savages, and are not very nice. Tiernan is marrying Rosa not because he wants a bride but to keep the peace and to keep his sister Iris safe. So he tells his brother and cousin to put up with Rosa.

Rosa starts to have feelings for Shay and Colin. However, they are still enemies in the grand scheme of things. Can Rosa survive in this world? Will Tiernan be able to keep his sister safe? Rill Rosa and the three guys get a happy ending?

I really enjoyed this book, and can’t wait to see where this series takes us next.