I seriously debated listening to this second book because of some of the overt politicalness of the first book (see review from that) but I like zombie fiction enough that I figured I could look past it and got this one too.
This book is so much better than the first. First the politics isn’t shoved down your throat the way I felt it was in the first one, so that was good, but the characters motivations, feelings, desires and so much better.
————-After this line there might be spoilers——————–
I love the mystery of the different types of dead. Is there a way for the one to make more ‘thinkers’? what will happen in the war between the dead? Can the thinkers use weapons beyond just rocks? There’s probably a lot of guns and stuff still usable in the DC area…. could we have armed zombies? Looking forward to book 3.
I received a copy of this book at my request in exchange for a fair review.