I don’t usually read the LitRPG anymore, they’re basically all the same and exhausting in their repetitive stat counting sections. This one had a good mix tho, maybe they’re all getting a lil better? I liked the story a lot; it had good action, the kind that I was 5min late for work cause I had to finish a chapter lol. Dislike: Almost all the characters are tools. All so….I like u, u like me, let’s be friends and sing together kind. I’m pretty sure Allistor is a psychopath. He’s disgustingly nice and has perfect pretty boy morals until he doesn’t like someone’s opinion. Then he tells his bear to eat their face off and says “I wish he died slower”. Then he feels ‘remorse’ cause he had to kill someone and justifies it to everyone like he’s trying to convince himself. His justification speeches always sound like lectures about the ‘new rules’ and his system given titles (that he didn’t want, but “oh well”) There’s always a hidden, or direct, threat in them. So he’s perfect in like a fanatical religious nut, make you puke kinda way but then he 180’s and tortures people he doesn’t like, tells his unwanted minions to behave or else, then tells them no taxes and democratic society….later. Make up ur mind much Al? He’s either a very good politician or a tyrannical psychopath…or both. Wait, is there a difference? Anyway, good story and overall read if u can stomach all the ‘Barney’ hugs n stuff. Oh, and why is everyone so prude? Is that like another crazy-persons religion thing? But then they turn around and hook up like swingers (some only a few weeks after spouse/other deaths). The overall character development seems very…..undecided(?), hurried(?), lacking scrutiny(?) I don’t know, something. I couldn’t decide if it was meant for children or adults for most the book. But again, good story and good mix of reading and stat-checking. I wanna play Sky*** again!