I wanted more out of the series. More books, more mystery, more depth, more variety. The series wasn’t long enough to really world build. Non-human species were, for the most part, not developed enough. The supernaturals at the ball just got tossed in there without nearly enough material to get to know and wonder about them. I got tired of Ortiz and just didn’t like her in the end. Vince was a good time but a little too much like Dresden. Speaking of, the number of times someone “arched an eyebrow” was annoying bc I always saw that as sort of a Jim Butcher trademark. Also, Vince’s nature made it very difficult to feel tension in combat because Church could theoretically just revive him over and over again. And like I said, I didn’t care for Ortiz, so none of the main characters being in danger really mattered to me. I was in it for the mystery only. Having said all that, this beats 90% of the trash out there. Most urban fantasy doesn’t even get me thinking enough to warrant a review, so props for that.