I love Omega Force and Black Fleet. I’ve listened to both series twice. When I saw Josh released this book I was…excited to say the least. Then I read the summary and lost interest. But I like Josh so I downloaded the book anyways for if nothing but to support a great author. I tried starting this book twice. It wasn’t easy for me to get into I just wasn’t in the mood. Then I finally gave it a real try. This is a great book. Once again Joshua shows how he isn’t boxed into to any specific style of science fiction. Black Fleet and Omega Force are two very different universes. Blueshift is once again totally different. I don’t want to say it was a physiological thriller but it had elements of one. I really enjoyed it. I feel like Josh has opened up a can of worms though. If he wanted he could keep this series going on for a long time. There’s so much he could do. Back to earth. On mars or even go back to Polaris. He could do just about anything he wanted to. It’s just one credit people. Give it to him now.