Overall I enjoyed this book more than the first in the series. I felt the pace was appropriate and I wasn’t bored. However, near the end some big resolutions happened with no explanation as to how it happened. I thought perhaps I missed some sly comments that explained it. I know my brain and I can certainly miss stuff. But I’m almost through the 3rd book as I write this review and the author did the same thing in the 3rd book. Resolved some big issue without any indication of how/why. Just suddenly “problem fixed.” Now maybe it is just me and I’m missing something obvious. That could be. I can be aloof sometimes. But it does bother me that so much effort was put into everything else but some big key problems were just “and now it’s resolved.” They met with Brill at the end and you aren’t told about that conversation. I thought they were saving it perhaps for the start of book 3. Nope. They reference the conversation and some information provided, but they never tell you anything about the actual talk. No background. No info to explain how Brill got out.