I can’t with this narrator anymore. For the last part of the book, I remembered that I can double the speed of the narration. 1.8-2x speed is much more bearable to listen to.
I’m just upset that I’ve already bought the next 2 in the series earlier in the year because of a sale.
As for this book specifically, this is the obligatory “woe is me” book that so many series have. Where things aren’t going the way the MC wants and they spend a large amount of time feeling sorry for themselves.
Also, especially annoying while listening to this one, Jason spends SO MUCH TIME thinking about what he is going to do, why he is going to do it, what would happen if he failed, etc etc, that I found myself yelling out loud “BLAH BLAH BLAH! Get on with it already!!!”
Not my favorite in this series. Not sure how long it will take me to hit start on the next one.