Of the 3 books ( thus far ) I think this one is the worst and they get progressively better.

The good: I like how the author clearly states that the MC, is useless in a supers fight. The MC dose not pretend that he is something he is not through he is constantly trying to be “Hip” / “cool” / “Gangsta” Too often these super hero adventures have a MC with an overly inflated sense of self importance. Not this MC who constantly places the ladies first. As far as the sex scenes go, they are short and tasteful. Though they are always lurking around a corner.

The Bad: The author clearly has not a lack of understanding when it comes to security, explosives, and many other inconsistencies Example: The two ladies have GPS implanted in them but for some reason its OFF until a later event turns in on. Or how a evil corporate government agency with mind control powers never bothers to notify the police and put out wanted posters.