This is a review of the 6 book serries, rather than just the first book.

I nearly stopped reading (well listining) to this series about half way though the first book. It just was not grabbing me. But then the latter half of the first book started to really develope nicely. It started to take on basic philosophical issues like what constitutes life? It did so in ways that were not in your face, but constantly there. That paticular question is laced thoughout the series as the main character evolves his own understanding of that question.

The book series has all the world building and character building aspects you expect from a LitRPG as well, but its got more grip to it than most. Its fun, which most LitRPGs are fun which is what I like about them, they are light and fun and build a world that is interesting. This serries has all of that but also some basic questions about life as undertones that make the series serious and something that will make you think at times as well. This added element missing from most of these types of books makes this one better, it sets it appart as something more.

This series also has what I would call one of best endings ever done. Its a great way to round out a good story, and quite satifying at the end of the 6th book. One other thing that is also unusual about this series is each book improved the story telling just gets better. Most serries that go more than two or three books seem to kinda get repetitive, or lack creativity, or have some other problem where it just looses its splender and my interest. This book serries continues to build nicely and keep things moving though the full 6 books to crishendo at the end perfectly.

Great book serries, great listen, and great ending. Strongly recomend.