I like how Jeremy Robinson’s entangled stories play with myths and dreams even better than my favorite author.
I laugh, think, I shake my head and I find myself in these narratives reverse-breaking the 4th wall, and wondering if this is a multi-verse message from my anti-me…
What a ride. Sometimes, after a particularly intense description of a possible alternate reality, that we could all be sharing, I have to pause, wipe off the mental sweat from the lense of my inner eye, and then look at the vast range of inner experiences I just had, like colorful stars in the night sky, lit in a luminous web of transcendent ideas, I realize how many deep thoughts these books bring. like 100
I’m constantly finding intresting perspectives reflecting the nature(s) of reality(s), which mirrors my thoughts and meditations, and resonate with my feelings, and this guy’s funny too.
Spaceforce, and nearly all Jeremy’s books are cool, adventurous inspiring, wonderful. I’ll listen to this one again. The proformance is perfect. 🖖