5⭐️ 3🌶️

Jennifer is the only author I trust to completely shatter my heart and put it back together again.

This book was unbelievably tragic with both Melody and Parker surviving so much pain and heartache but it was also so beautiful. This book showcases the highest highs and the lowest lows and how hard the struggle is to simply survive when you are at your lowest. That in the end all the hard work was worth it.

I loved how flawed and vulnerable Melody and Parker were and how they dealt with their trauma in completely different ways. They were the definition of grumpy/sunshine even if Melody felt like an extinguished sun.
Their connection felt kismet and I absolutely loved their healing journey and how they found comfort and peace with each other, after an incredibly rocky road.

This book was absolutely worth the roller coaster ride of emotions. I can’t wait to add this new stunning cover to my Jennifer shelf