Tom Jordan did a beautiful job narrating “A Chicago Christmas Collection” and he has a sexy voice!! The stories/books are very beautifully written!!

Merry Christmas Henry

Merry Christmas Henry is a beautifully, well-written story. Right from the start I was fascinated by Henry. Henry is a kind and quite type. He also paints and has a beloved aunt who supported his dreams.He spends his lunch time sitting in a chair staring at a beautiful but sad woman ” Rebecca” in a painting. He decides to make some changes to the painting. One day when he walked away after saying Merry Christmas to the beautiful lady he heard someone say Merry Christmas Henry. You really need to read this book. I truly loved it!!

Dante’s Gift

Aubrey mixes the present with the past in this book and actually seems to take you with her. The story starts in Chicago with lovers Dominic and Katie, and the descriptions of the city are beautifully done.Dominic has been planning his proposal down to the minute details for months but, when the time comes, he screws, and not in a cute or funny way. He starts by telling Kate that his great aunt died and he wants his grandmother to move in with him. Kate, decides that she needs time to figure out if she can deal with his grandmother being in the house, so she puts off answering his proposal. The grandmother comes and shares her story of meeting her true love with the hope to inspire the couple to take that next step. The part of the story I liked the best was the WWII romance. It was well woven into the story and had good segues into the storytelling. I felt more connection with Antonia and Ken than I did Dominic and Katie. Dante was a cute dog and I loved his reactions to the soldier. I’m not much for war stories, but this one really gets your heart and had me tearing up at the special moments. I loved how Dante had the ring box attached to his collar. I truly loved this book!!!! This is a must read book!!!!