Winslow, Darren, Chad, Frankie, Grace, Julia …. So many lives, some in torment, some trying to help, some just trying to get by. “Seaspray” a beautiful, must listen story that will haunt you, may help you, possibly teach you and might even change YOUR life. This story, these characters, affected me deeply. I came to know them, understand them and yes, FEEL deeply about them through the beautiful, often heartbreaking, emotional writing of the supremely talented Rick R. Reed. It’s impossible to go into plot details without playing spoiler, so I’ll just say that I THOUGHT I knew where this story was headed, but I … could … not …have … been … more … wrong! As I listened, throughly engrossed with tears streaming down my face, I actually had to re-play a chapter or two! I was in no shape to clearly comprehend what I was hearing! I was a wreck! It was that deep, that emotional, that GOOD! Tears are streaming again as I try to write this! Just grab this one and listen! You won’t be sorry! These characters come to stunning, vibrant life through the amazing heartfelt, emotional and perfectly timed narration of David Allen Vargo. Perfectly voiced, his narration made listening a beautiful, roller coaster of emotion that I will be feeling the effects of for some time to come! Believe me, “Seaspray” is a solid five star listen in every category! I loved everything about this beautiful story! WOW!