Okay, so I read all the great reviews and all the BLAH reviews and downloaded the book and gave it a shot…. I admit I was almost a BLAH reviewer. It starts slow. I admit, I found at least HALF of this first book in this series very painful. Hours of slow and uninspiring pain. But I will tell you, I’m glad I stuck with it. It has become one of my favorite series. I own hundreds of audible books and burn through their plus catalog and I still come back to Lindon’s story.

Will Wight takes his time getting into his stride but once he does he tells a story that makes you laugh (damn near pee worthy on occasion). The characters become fully formed and real. He does not make them perfect, one dimensional ideals of the hero that women swoon over (like far to many authors I have had the displeasure to encounter). Will Wight managed to paint a wide range of characters with distinct personalities, ideas, misconceptions, perspectives, and ways of speaking…. surprisingly well done. His writing combined with Travis Baldree’s performance makes the characters come to life (even if it. doesn’t feel that way at the beginning of this book.). If you manage to make it through the building of Lindon’s character and the drawn out pain that is sacred valley you should be pleasantly surprised.

If you are willing to brave a bit of very slow build you will eventually find that this series as a whole can surprise you. Hell, he managed to make me cry! (not an easy or pretty crier)

It is now July 2022 and I have been waiting on my pre-order of the latest book in this series. … I get it this Tuesday!