Plainly put, this book has rapey vibes and actual/attempted rape so go into this knowing that. It has elements of victim blaming and emotional abuse, which the characters seem to be under the impression was somehow less abusive then physical.?? The female voice actor adds a somewhat irritating “uh” at the end of Every single word and sentence but I got over that. The male voice was great… if he wasn’t so irritatingly vapid and sex crazed the only times he spoke. He added Nothing to the story when he spoke which is unfortunate cuz I would have loved if he had a single loving (not lusty) word to add. I often found myself cringing at the dialogue, so very cliche in every way. Now I get that that comes with this genre but WOW. Now… with all that said, the action was MUCH better, it was exciting and held my curiosity much better toxicity the two main characters indulged in. The sex scenes, part of the only reason I held on, (forgive me we’re in a whole pandemic) were descriptive and invigorating. But I wouldn’t recommend reading this just for that cuz it’s really not worth the emotional trauma of the female character being nearly assaulted or threatened with it every two defines.