I’m all for a group of misfits and losers bumbling their way to success/victory in spite of themselves but usually those people will have a skill, talent, or bit knowledge that they can occasionally use in a helpful way but that never happens here.
Every fight or dangerous moment is resolved by pure dumb luck or a complete deus ex machina, the characters never have an “It worked, I did it!” moment.
With stories about losers / underdogs you need to feel that while it is a long shot there is at least a chance of success, that if they use their talents right and work together that there is a small hope that they can pull this off, but here the main characters are such colossal screw ups with absolutely every single action they perform that I would honestly expect them to somehow poke out their eyes trying to scratch their butts.
Much like it can be boring having a character that is so smart or powerful they can’t possibly lose, it is also boring having characters that are such screw ups that they do nothing but fail over and over and over.