Though the synopsis doesn’t show it, this is largely the fevered wet dream of an anime/superhero fan. The main character is the absurd “good slave master” who “nobly” turns down the option to sleep with his slaves only for them to throw themselves at him.

On top of that abortion of a plot, the writing is bad. Plot holes all over the place, and the “ending” is basically the main character LISTING OFF the worst of the plot holes. So the author knows full well he left important things hanging. If this is some attempt at a cliff hanger it sucked.

Finally, the book apparently has actual spreadsheets with the “stats” of the characters. The narrator stops every five to ten minutes to read one of these off, line by line. It’s exactly as interesting as having someone read you the contents of an accounting ledger.

I HIGHLY recommend you avoid this book at all costs. At this point I can only assume that the author paid for the many glowing five star reviews because this was pathetic.