What would have made 299 Days better?
Let me get my bias out front here – I’m an American who believes in democracy. I vote in every election – local, town, state and federal. I support our political institutions, and believe that the U.S Constitution (and its many amendments) is a solid guide to how a society can develop with fairness and equity. From this book’s description and introduction, I thought it would be a good read.

Sadly however, this collection of incoherent statements, unending repetition, and right-wing anti-“liberal” diatribe is only worth reading if you are looking for someone to confirm your already strongly held belief that the country is being run by crafty, venal, and corrupt socialists and communists. The population is just too lazy to do anything about it because, being liberal, they expect government to do everything for them, and the only solution to the country’s problems is to double-down on the National Rifle Association’s distortions and corruption of the second amendment.

This is not a novel, it is simply a right wing propaganda brochure.

What could Glen Tate have done to make this a more enjoyable book for you?
Glen Tate is dishonest in his description of the book and his lengthy introduction, drawing you in, thinking that this is based on careful observation and facts. Sadly, he is either living in an alternative universe, or relying the recently popular “Alternative Facts”. If Mr. Tate would be honest in his introduction I would never have bought this book, neither would I have wasted several hours listening to it before growing to understand the deceit being carried out.

I might have been able to listen to the end if Mr. Tate actually had any writing skills. Sadly, if he does they are not demonstrated in this book. Any valid points that Mr. Tate may have about government corruption, rural/urban inequities, or survivalism are unintelligible amidst the shockingly poor writing, sentence construction, and grammatical nonsense.

What didn’t you like about Kevin Pierce’s performance?
Kevin Pierce does a passable job narrating and this is hardly surprising as he seems to be the “go-to” reader for books of this genre. I felt quite sorry for him at times.
You didn’t love this book… but did it have any redeeming qualities?
I could not recommend this book to anyone, and am only glad that I bought it in a $4.95 sale.