Is this the BEST litRPG? No. That being said, it’s very entertaining.

Yes…his family history/story is over the top, painting a sinister picture of his parents being “Evil.” I’m pretty sure that’s the point though. It’s a story, about a make believe world, where people live inside a game and level up as if RPG is real life. C’mon guys/gals…stop demanding “Realism” in an RPG story. That’s just as ridiculous as being mad that the MC doesn’t have believable parents.

Let’s pretend the entire thing is real, for just a second, as many reviews demand. If it was, he most definitely would be the arrogant, sexist dickhead that he often comes off as, because of how he was raised.

As far as the review stating the writer is “homophobic,” it’s clear you didn’t continue listening after that. The character he was talking to wasn’t gay…she was a female whom he thought was a gay male, then thought was transgender, to then find out the reality that he was completely wrong about both. I actually laughed during that part because of his awkwardness and pure ignorance for LGBT individuals. If, in this make believe world, he was the arrogant, cocky, A-hole who thinks all women love him, that is EXACTLY the ignorant comments I would expect to come from him.

Stop painting a make believe video game story with a 2018 politically correct brush. The writer intended for him to come off as an asshat. It’s blatantly obvious. And to be honest, if you finished the story, you’d see he learns some things and changes some of his arrogant ways. Everybody thought “that’s what she said” and all the other “Cringey” comments that were said during every season of “The Office” was SO hilarious, but this make believe MC’s cringey comments are offending…? Chill out. He’s a jerk. Deal with it. See if he develops out of it. Or don’t…whatever….just stop trying to make pretend video game stories believable. They’re entertainment like the pretend RPG’s that litRPG books come from.

Agreed about the stats at the end of every chapter though. That’s fine in a book for anybody that wants to keep up with them, but in an audiobook, it’s best to omit that, if for nothing else, just so we don’t have to fast forward it every time.