The third in the John Pickett series finds the Bow Street Runner traveling to Scotland with his mentor, Magistrate Patrick Colquhoun to investigate the appearance of a daughter thought long dead. Interesting listen full of Scottish lore, John Pickett learns that his boss, originally came from Scotland and quickly slipped back into the Scottish brogue, making it hard for Pickett to understand him. Not only that, it seems that it seems that Lady Fieldhurst, banished by her late husband’s family, is also in Scotland, but under an assumed name . . . Pickett’s name, no less, and she and the her young charges are the ones who found the young woman who washed up on the shore, barely alive. These mysteries are so much fun to listen to, rich with details of the time period. Magistrate Colquhoun is still protective over John Pickett, the young pick pocket that he rescued and eventually brought to the station to become a copper. He’s not impressed with Lady Fieldhurst, the actress and widow, that Pickett cares about, and makes no bones about it. The identity of the woman who claims to be the daughter missing for the last 15 years is the subject of the investigation, and what motives she has for returning now. The frail old man, her father, believes she is who she claims to be, but is she, really? Pickett and Colquhoun vow to find out. Lady Fieldhurst, posing as Pickett’s wife assists on the case. Old friends and foes of the family begin coming out of the woodwork as the tale unravels . . . Great story. Some hair-raising adventures and excellent resolution! I will be continuing the series for sure!
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