Unless you are an angsty 12 year old who can literally not imagine anyone else as an actual person… Stay away.

This book is tragically bad. It’s a self absorbed teenager who’s constantly whining about the laughably cartoonist world he lives in. They call him welfare because his environmentalist lawyer parents got him a scholarship??? He ain’t even poor. He goes on to live in his aunt’s spare room and laments to himself how it only has a bed. Oh. The humanity. A room and bed. How very “spartan”.

Moving into the game world, he has constantly overpowered abilities granted to him and keeps acting like he’s overcoming some challenge and his “tactics” are the only thing getting him by. Okay buddy. Nevermind that you constantly one shot things way over your level and you can command a huge army of soldiers stronger than regular PCs. Also. Why tf are all the player characters so underhwelming? They mention that some of the strength comes from emotion. Ok. Cool. Everyone but you is a cardboard cutout. Alright. Jason is the most bland uninspired character of them all. I was honestly rooting for his rival. They also introduced the cliche love interest who can do nothing but simp for our dear great poor wounded main character.

Christ please someone message me and tell me what this book has to offer. Bad bland characters predictable plot unrealistic world, boring story of self indulgence. Nothing about this is good?? Im just confused at the rating.