Sorry I hate leaving bad reviews as I was given this audiobook in exchange for honest review. And if I’m completely honest it was terrible. It was full of stereotypical hatred towards anyone that is not liberal so of course the murderer is what they describe as bigoted white trash. And of course he is. But they make it out as to anyone from small southern town is just like him as the cops would just also back him up because of course they have to throw their hatred of cops into the story as well. And of course the good guys are the news media , an anchor women and her camera man, who by the way is black feminist women and gay man. Which by the way I am from small southern town and no one is like at least that I know or speak to any where near how they describe anyone from this town. It just seemed to me they tried a little to hard to take everything the leftist media are trying to say push on us now a days and put it all together in this short little story. And might I also add I could have completely ignore all of that, cause face it I hear all the same lies and stereotypes everyday I go on any social media had the story itself really had good plot and story line. Some of my favorite writers are very liberal and I accept that and try to just focus on the story and the characters themselves such as King and Rice whom are extremely liberal but they are also exceptional writers when it comes to plot and story telling and drawing you into the story. But this story just was not one of them. I’m sorry I very rarely write bad reviews but was asked to give a truly honest review and I could not bring myself to lie just in hopes of getting more offers for review.
Review from The Gordon Place →