I have read every book in the Hell Squad series and am a fan of the series. The books are best read in order because of the backstory and also, visits from the prior characters but you won’t be lost if you start here too. Get ready for an exciting ride! This story follows Manu of the Berserkers. (there are a few main squads that fight against the raptor like aliens who have taken over the world and destroyed most of humanity) The Berserkers are the ultimate bad boys and Manu lost a leg while fighting recently. Kate is the head of security of the enclave where they live. Together, they have to undertake a dangerous mission to keep the bad guys at bay. Every book in this series is exciting with a wonderful romance between 2 characters but also, showcasing a great group of people who are trying to find hope and happiness in a very dangerous time.
This is the first audiobook I’ve listened to in this series and I think the narrators do a good job of playing the characters (even when they have to switch roles). They add emotion to the story and adequately provide a feeling of danger when it is called for. I’m looking forward to future books and audiobooks from this author!