I listened to the audio and the narrator did a good job. I do wish the female narrator from the first book did this one too, but it was still a good listen. The narrator is a little formal sounding, but he does a solid performance and the quality is good.

Loved the unique ideas in both this book and the first book. Very entertaining and I really enjoy the writing. Love the action and the characters. I was hoping there would be a bit more from Astasiya and Issac from the first book; more of them involved in finding and saving Amelia. What happens is still interesting and I loved the connection between Tom and Amelia. I’d definitely recommend reading the first book before this one because it’s awesome and the story continues on from the first book, but there are different main characters. Amelia has been a prisoner of Tom’s father for years; she’s been tortured in horrible ways, it was so sad how much she’s been through. Tom knew she was a prisoner, but he’s naive to just how depraved his father truly is. Amelia is quite the damsel; before she was taken, everyone treated her like a fragile little princess, so she really needed to toughen up. With Tom’s help, she does start to become more than just a damsel. He’s really sweet with her. I’m excited to see where this series goes! So far, I’ve loved it!