Excellent Audible Escape entry. I was a little nervous because Joel Leslie is hit or miss for me (I sometimes feel he sounds OTT dramatic when narrating and far too many long pauses). Fortunately, bumping it up to 1.25 speed (sometimes 1.5) with his style worked for me this time, but still not amazing.

This book checked all my boxes:

* Legal (Federal Court)

* LEO (US Marshals in this case)

* Good Mystery ~ no, I didn’t guess the bad guy before he was revealed

* Awesome romance ~ slow burn, good sex scenes

* No insta-Love ~ these guys have known each other for years

* Pets ~ Etta Mae (I listened to this, so I’m not sure how to spell her name) the Bassett Hound is adorable as is how loving both Tom & Mike are to her.

I will say I felt like the first half of the book dragged on a little too long while these guys were getting their relationship off the ground. Maybe if there could have been some action/suspense spread out a little it would have helped. It wasn’t horrible, but I was feeling like Tom’s internal struggle/musings could have been pared a bit.

After the 45% point, things picked up and I didn’t want to stop listening.

I loved Mike & Tom as individual characters and together as a couple.

It looks like Kris has his own book (though this isn’t listed as a series) and I’m looking forward to his HEA as well as hoping we get a peek at how Tom & Mike are doing.