The idea of this series is brilliant. Each standalone book features the same characters in alternate apocalyptic situations. It reminds me a bit of “American Horror Story” where roughly the same actors play different characters from season-to-standalone-season. That TV show is popular for a reason, and I can see Tom Abrahams’s “Alt Apocalypse” series experiencing a lot of popularity for its premise alone.

The apocalyptic event begins immediately in “Lit.” If you are a reader who enjoys a lot of action, this installment hits the mark.

A couple of the characters died pretty much immediately (I do not think I am spoiling anything with this comment as the series promises there will be deaths), so we did not get to know them at all. I think it would have been effective for Abrahams to dedicate some pages for us to get to know the characters before the wildfires hit. That being said, I think you will more fully appreciate the characters if you read the other books in the series.

I also feel like I need to become more prepared for an apocalyptic event, so, if that was part of the author’s goal, the desired outcome was achieved!

Thank you to the author for giving me a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.