As much as I enjoy reading at times I only have ability to listen. In a month I read 6 novels listen to one. I intended to be a English teacher but that was 35 years ago. Thus this book Whit winter is in my library. My review is basic and I am only a judge based on my experience training and emotional opinion , as much as the novel itself affect on me.
The Storyline is and good one, the pretense possible, the structure of the narrative is not bad and the characters plausible however lazy not developed. It is not easy to develop so many complete character models. That fact alone is also why these books have such a high rating but not higher rating. Causes this read to have a unplanned or unfinished feeling.
The book backlog is worthy of a series to develop each character; ending in a trilogy struggle that could be written to a ending in Epic novel… I used to discuss report narratives with my co workers after actions and lesson learned formats in training and real world supervisor. I would ask many times for them to step back and outline events and take a look at the incident to find their inconsistencies. Add to it where needed this series needs that development to be five stars more backstory novels to develop each character. Inserted in read order at release will case many to re read the entire series. I contemplate it myself to make sense and fill-in past holes of this Black Autumn series of books.
I hope this critique finds it way to the editors and authors, this series could be polished and developed into a special read a true and poignant one.