The dinosaurs were supposed to have been wiped out by an asteroid hitting the earth could it happen again if so would we be ready? We read and listen to many authors tales of apocalyptic here is a new one that really could happen. The storylines are about the planet getting bombarded by asteroids and what effects it have on mankind. We have heard story’s what if this or that happen well be ready while you listen to this audiobook you live the destruction of the planet but most of the story is in the US and see if humanity could or could not survive events like asteroids, super volcanoes and tsunamis and what the US would be like afterwards. This story you live the day by day of different individuals from both LA and Washington and the narrow escapes the experience to survive and to get to a safe area to try to survive because after super volcanoes blow the planet goes into a new ice age and most of the US is now covered with water and there is very little good land and the one who survive must try to start a new country from a destroyed country, the government collapsing, the president and most of the cabinet dead and Washington under water so where do you start.
This audible is written so well you live it and in someway feels the death of so many and the fighting spirits of the survivors.