In an apocalyptic world where humans are nearly extinct, John Henry Booth finds himself knee-deep in monsters, black magic, and choices – none of them good. He is hired, along with Mercury (his girlfriend and fellow survivor) to hunt down a member of the faculty from Miskatonic University who wants to release a sleeping and the most powerful Great Old One. Time travel and dimensional skipping enables Booth to do his worst but will it be enough? It’s bad enough he’s turning into a monster himself but to have Cthulhu recognize him???
Once again C. T. Phipps gives his listeners a frightening roller coaster ride deep into the darkness and evil world inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Combined with horror and science fiction, Phipps entertains as well as scares.
As usual, Phipps does not disappoint. He raises the bar in this second installment of John Henry Booth’s world and delivers an entertaining story. There are moments where clarity is not present, but when dealing with time and dimensional jumping, confusion is a by-product. Overall, Phipps does an excellent job of moving the story along and keeping things clear.
Jeffrey Kafer narrates the tale with a deep resonating voice that captures the essence of Booth well. He keeps the story flowing with a steady voice and gives a calming presence even in the most terrifying scenes. I enjoy listening to Kafer narrate; his performances are always top-notch.
This series is perfect for horror and science fiction fans alike.
There were no issues in the audible part or quality of this audiobook.
Audiobook was provided for review by the author.
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